For small and large business
If your business involves animals in any way, whether you provide professional pet care services such as grooming, boarding, pet sitting, animal welfare is an increasingly significant business risk. Consider the damage your business could face if a failure to protect the welfare of the animals you depend upon became a major national or global media story. Many businesses large and small (including household names) have experienced significant, even terminal, damage through such a scenario. With Liza 25 years of experience in animal welfare we can help you address and manage this risk. We will come out and observe your current business operations giving a full written status report on good practices and what should be improved upon including critical which need addressing immediately, from the report we will then bespoke an individual training package to suite the business and your budget. We deliver staff updated training to suite your business model including opening hours, many of our clients report significant staff improvements instantly and staff morale improve creating a more customer friendly work environment.
Our clients have benefited as follows;
- Pride Park Veterinary Resort – consultant animal welfare and grooming best practices audit of all grooming salons and recommended health and safety, written best practice and standardised all staff into working practices. Deliver handling and restraint workshop
- Kennelgate – consultant grooming and CPD trainer, audit grooming salons and written recommendation on health and safety and adopt best practices, standardise all managers, deliver advanced first aid and handling workshop.
For individuals
Having over 25 years of experience in the animal welfare and grooming industry, we can provide you with a comprehensive assessment of the welfare of the animals you care for, and can provide evidence-based recommendations on preventative action to take now to prevent the possibility of welfare problems in the future. We can provide you with a current thorough business audit and make recommendation to ensure you are working in line with UK prescribed standardise will evaluate you as an individual and make realist recommendations for you to update your skills and gain accredited qualifications relevant to your job.
Give the team a call on 01283 703043 to discuss how we can help you.
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